Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Friday, 18 October 2019

July 2015 Coords ∣ Throwback

It seems I wore old school lolita a lot during July 2015 so this month gets its own throwback post~
(9 coords below)

Friday, 16 August 2019

Animal Crossing New Leaf Oldschool Lolita QR Codes

I recently started returned to my village in Animal Crossing New Leaf for the first time in a long time, and it reminded me of the fun I had recreating oldschool dresses in the custom designs. Currently I'm trying to expand from the designs I already had and create a summer wardrobe, and a winter wardrobe.
So, I thought I'd share my QR codes with you guys so you can have them too without having to spend ages making them!

Thursday, 1 August 2019

Friday, 5 July 2019

Thursday, 16 May 2019

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

My Favourite Things In Oldschool Lolita

This is a simple post, just talking about my favourite things about oldschool, and my favourite pieces, styles, aspects of it etc. There's no real reason for this blog post other than because I fucking love old school lolita and want to gush about how great it is!
  • Ringlet wigs (especially with black)
  • Gobelin, anything that looks like a grandma sofa
  • Especially if it's ugly. Love an ugly gobelin colourway.
  • Big ol' lace monsters
  • Peeking Blomers
  • Hime cut

Click read more to see waaaaay more below:

Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Coords: Easter Picnics!

Sorry I posted this so late, I was expecting to wear more coords but here it is now~!

Saturday, 2 March 2019

Coords: I Need More Gobelin

Because I wear the few pieces I have so much.

Click read more to see a whole bunch of cute photos...

Friday, 8 February 2019

Coords: February Snow & Floral Fun

The blog post below contains way more than just basic coord shots and outfit rundowns, it also has a cute lil photo shoot and lots of candids and some edgy shit™.

Thursday, 17 January 2019

† Wardrobe Post 2019 †

This year for my wardrobe post I wanted to do more than just photograph my wardrobe the way I've done most years. For months I've wanted to present my wardrobe as if it was the GLB catalogue pages. I really did try my best, so I hope you enjoy it...