Sunday 9 April 2023

September - December 2016 │Throwback

It's been a while (*cough* three years...) but I'm back with another throwback post!
5 coords and a lot of photos below~

In September 2016 we had a doll themed meet. I had just bought this beautiful Metamorphose Bouquet OP from 1999 which has big doll vibes, so naturally I wore it. I still didn't own an authentic oldschool bonnet, but I thought my innocent world bonnet would give the sort of aesthetic I wanted. 

Bonnet - Innocent World
Wig - Maple
OP - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Socks - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Bag - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Shoes - Antaina

I don't think I ever posted all of these photos.

I also got this little coord video with a vhs app I really liked at the time. I've never hosted a video directly on blogger so I hope it works~


Then, in October I put together this coord just because I felt like it. I think I wanted to coord the new BTSSB headdress I had bought while in New York tbh~ (You can find my New York throwback blog post here)

Headdress - Baby the Stars Shine Bright
Cutsew - Baby the Stars Shine Bright
Skirt - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Bag - Baby the Stars Shine Bright
Socks - Angelic Pretty
Shoes - Bodyline


Towards the end of October 2016 my comm had a halloween themed meet up at the same cinema space we'd been to before. I had bought this amazing vintage costume jacket from a vintage shop in Denmark that summer which really reminded me of the rabbit from Jan Svankmajer's Alice. Although not oldschool, I thought it would be a fun coord for halloween. Minty let me borrow his ruff!

Bonnet - Piratessen
Ruff - borrowed from Minty
Coat - Vintage
OP - Baby the Stars Shine Bright
Socks - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Shoes - Bodyline
Gloves - Vintage


I'm pretty sure for this meet we watched Hocus Pocus.
Since Minty and I both had Piratessen animal bonnets on and we looked perfect together, we took a bunch of pics together while we waited for everyone else to arrive to the venue. Here's a select handful.




In November 2016 my comm had a meet up at a museum in a nearby town a short train journey away. They had a botanical garden and some other cool stuff. I had recently acquired a dream dress of mine by Moi Meme Moitie, which has the most beautiful cross lace bustle, so I put together a coord inspired by Mana.

Headdress - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Blouse - Baby the Stars Shine Bright
JSK - Moi Meme Moitie
OTKs - Lolitabutiken
Bag - Vintage
Shoes - Bodyline
Capelet - Angelic Pretty

Here's a video I filmed of that meet~


For my last coord of 2016 I decided to venture into a more proto look with my new skirt and blouse. It was just a chill hangout with some friends visiting the vintage market.

Blouse - Emily Temple Cute
Bag - Metamorphose
Socks - Offbrand
Shoes - Antaina
Hair clip - Bodyline

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