Thursday 13 June 2024

Ita Karaoke & May Day at Beamish │Coords


At the very beginning of May I had to run some errands and met with a friend for lunch so decided to get dressed up. It was a bit of a cold and rainy day so put together a coord using the offbrand gobelin dress I'd been meaning to for a while. I think a wig would've suited this coord better, but I didn't feel like wearing one, and the pink in the gobelin kind of ties it together~ 

Headdress - Wirehead
Blouse - Baby the Stars Shine Bright
Cardigan - Jane Marple
Necklace - Jane Marple
Jumperskirt - Blue Rogue
Bag - Vintage
Socks - Innocent World
Shoes - UNIF

Still early in May, we had a last minute meet at Beamish because they had some May Day activities going on. I decided to wear my Meta gobelin set- another thing that has been on my wishlist for a decade that I was finally able to acquire recently! I thought it would be cute to coord it with all white accessories and raschel lace since I had some vintage An-ten-na shoes I wanted to wear. Guess whose an-ten-na shoes broke approximately five paces out the door? So yeah, I had to change to my RHS instead which ruined my all white accessories theme a bit, but at least I got the coord pics before I left.

I was going to edit these two onto a background together bc I'm so off centre in this but just haven't had time

Headdress - Metamorphose
Wig - Maple
Blouse - Metamorphose
Skirt - Metamorphose
Jewellery - Jane Marple
Socks - Metamorphose
Shoes (White) - An-ten-na
Shoes (RHS) - Antaina
Bag - Metamorphose
Parasol - Baby the Stars Shine Bight
Backpack - La Luiceq

The first thing we did when we got to Beamish was head to the 1950s pit village for the May pole dancing, but we'd just missed it and the next one was at 3pm. Instead we went to 1900s town to look around there until 3. We got in the long line for ice cream, and while in line we got our group photo, I love how we all matched each other!

After our ice cream, we wandered down to the funfair where we took turns going on the carousel so we could get some nice photos because lolita carousel photos are the best. I chose Alan for my horse. Helena also went on the helter-skelter and the swing ride. I do love a carousel, I just think they're so cute.
We continued having a look around 1900s town, going in to the various buildings. The staff in the sweet shop were very complimentary and offered to take a group photo of us, which was very lovely!

At last it was 3 o'clock and so time for us to head back over to the 50s pit village. We had a turn around the Maypole and I discovered that it's really hard to skip with RHS on. The maypole had a crown made of flowers at the top which was incredibly cute! After that we went through the chapel and the school and got a few coord photos and tried out the hoops on a stick, truly riveting. Then we saw there were some morris dancing performances, so went to watch them.

By now we were pretty exhausted, but wanted to make the most of our trip so headed back to 1900s town to look around the houses. I love the decor in the houses and they're a great spot for coord photos. I've been wanting a coord photo by one of the stained glass windows in the houses for a long time but they're usually been fairly busy. Lucky for me it wasn't too busy this time and I was able to get one. I just wish my bloody parasol wasn't in the way! I tried the AI remove object thing but it didn't work ;;

By then it was closing time and we went home!

A little later in the month, our comm had a karaoke meet in the usual Hello Kitty room. This time the theme was ita, so we had to dress like itas. As a result I didn't actually bother getting a proper full coord shot but we did get these totes kawiwi group pics!!1! (lmao)
We had a lot of fun drinking plum wine, eating Japanese food, and singing silly karaoke songs.

My coord consisted of a Bodyline blouse I've had for years but never worn (which I discovered is cut terribly, the fit was awful) which had some nasty lace, a cheap af heart apron Minty gave me from their ita days years ago (the lace was even worse than the bodyline blouse), a K.Star skirt that's meant to be lolita but it's super short (also they misspelled their own name in the print, unfortunately you can't see it in the photos), and then some striped socks and New Rocks. I threw on some random accessories to complete the look. Most other people went with good ol' neko ears.

The only full length pic I got of my ita coord

I was going to include the stuff I've done so far in June too however I'm behind on editing and about to leave for a long weekend attending The Queen is Dead in Manchester, so apologies for that. I'll try and get that one done soon as I'm hoping to make the TQID weekend its own blog post~!

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