Wednesday 2 October 2024

Visiting York, Glastonbury & Wells in July ∣ Coords


At the start of July I travelled to York to stay over at Ria's for the weekend. We had plans for a historical costuming meet up (which I'll eventually post a blog about), and on the other day we would hang out together in lolita. 
Since the weather was going to be rainy, we went to the castle museum, mainly so we could go around the Victorian street.

Headdress - Handmade gift
Wig - Maple
OP - Angelic Pretty
Bag - Velvet Syrup
Socks - Baby the Stars shine Bright
Shoes - UNIF
Jewellery - Jane Marple, offbrand/vintage

I felt like I hadn't worn black and white in ages, and the weather was forecast to be chilly and rainy, so I put together a simple BxW coord with my trusty Angelic Pretty OP. I thought it would look cute together my Velvet Syrup angel wing bag, and decided to wear it with my hime cut wig. For a toned down look I paired it with my mum's crocheted headdress and black lacetop socks - though I did consider BxW lacetops - and Mary Janes.

My failed selfie with a coffin

Of course we got some fun photos on the indoor Victorian street. I love how immersive it is, there's a main street and a few back alleys, and every shop window has stuff in, like the 2nd hand Jewellery shop I got some pictures above. A few of the shops you can go in, like the sweet shop (where you can actually buy sweets), and the toy shop.It also switches from day to night every few minutes

After that, we headed to the 1960s exhibit - a part of the museum I haven't been to before. It was cool but I wish it was as immersive as the Victorian street, it was like they'd made it into a street but inside each "shop" was stuff on display in a museum-y way rather than a room laid out like an actual 60s room.

Once we were done at the museum we went for a bit of antique shopping before heading back to Ria's absolutely exhausted.

A little later in July I went to Somerset with my dad to visit family. I packed lolita for the whole trip since we usually go to a lot of nice stately homes and stuff and it makes for nice photo opportunities. The day we travelled down I had a proto coord planned that would be practical to wear, be cool enough to wear on the hottest day of the year, and also used a pair of shoes I wanted to wear while in Somerset to save space in my suitcase.

Bag - Vivienne Westwood
Socks - Jane Marple
Shoes - Antaina
Accessories - Vintage/offbrand

Once we arrived we stopped to buy some fruit on the way to our airbnb, where I saw this cool gigantic strawberry! Also the view from the airbnb was lovely!

On the first full day we ended up not really having any plans other than the whole family would meet to have lunch in Wells. I got some nice coord photos by Wells Cathedral. 
For this coord I just put together a simple comfy black and white coord. It ended up being a bit colder and rainier than it was forecast when I was packing, so I was a bit chilly. I also wish I'd trimmed my fringe before this trip lol.

Headdress - Handmade gift
Cutsew - Baby the Stars Shine Bright
Skirt - Baby the Stars Shine Bright
Socks - Innocent World
Shoes - Antaina
Bag - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Backpack - Vintage
Jewellery - Jane Marple, offbrand/vintage

Some nice buildings I saw in Glastonbury and a crystal shaped like a booby lady in some crystal shop I wanted to buy but it was £55:

The weather for the 2nd full day was forecast to be lovely and sunny, so I put on this floral themed coord I had planned with extra floral accessories. I like that my hair works in this classic coord despite being red. I wore my UNIF shoes to be "practical" even though in reality they are so impractical, they always leave raw marks on my feet :(

Headdress - Baby the Stars Shine Bright
Blouse - MAM Maxicimam
Skirt - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Socks - Baby the Stars Shine Bright
Shoes - UNIF
Bag - Velvet Syrup
Backpack - Vintage
Parasol - Baby the Stars Shine Bright
Accessories - Vivienne Westwood, vintage, offbrand

On the 2nd full day, we once again had plans to have lunch with the whole family and unfortunately for me the vegan options weren't that good lol. Luckily, the weather was gorgeous that day! After lunch we all walked around the Bishop's Palace before splitting off into smaller groups.


My dad and I headed back to Glastonbury, where we first went to Glastonbury Abbey to look around the abbey ruins. I've been there once before, but not since I was about 15 or 16. At the far end of the abbey grounds there was a pond with gigantic fish! As soon as we got close to the pond they all swam up to us expectantly haha.

Biblically accurate oldschool candid artifacting

Next, we headed to the Chalice Well & Garden. The chalice well is a sacred well with apparent healing powers because it's full of iron. There's a big garden surrounding it with lots of secluded areas for meditating and stuff like that. You can take water to drink from a specific spot, and further downstream there's an area to wash your feet (I guess for healing/wellness). It's a really lovely peaceful spot, especially on a day like that. 


Also look at this cool little doll Glastonbury festival display someone had in their window:

On the third day, my dad and I had plans to go to Sherborne Castle. I wanted to wear a coord that would look cute in the surroundings for photos, so I planned a classic coord with my Innocent World Rococo Tiered JSK. I changed things up by packing these Victorian style boots and wore it with my RRM bonnet to make it more distinct from the previous day's coord. I had originally planned to wear my blonde ringlet wig with the coord, but the weather was forecast to be super hot again so I ended up going without it, which is a shame because I do think it would've looked a lot better with the wig overall. I probably would have gotten heat stroke if I'd worn it though lol.

Bonnet - RR Memorandum
Blouse - MAM Maxicimam
JSK - Innocent World
Bag - Velvet Syrup
Backpack - Vintage
Socks - Baby the Stars Shine Bright
Shoes - Vintage
Jewellery - Vintage/offbrnad

To get to the castle, we had to get the bus to the nearest town which took between 1 & 1/2 to 2 hours iirc, then get a taxi to the castle. As the castle is still a private residence, anyone wanting to go inside had to book a guided tour, personally not my favourite way of looking around big stately homes as I like to take my time and look at details. While we waited for our allotted tour time, we looked around the extensive gardens and had lunch. It was a really beautiful day and the sky was the most gorgeous shade of blue, so that was nice.



Much to my dismay, we were told upon arrival to our guided tour that photography wasn't allowed. What am I supposed to do if I can't take lovely pictures of lovely things? I had really been hoping for some cute candids :<
The interior décor was gorgeous though, especially the first room we entered on the tour (the blue and white library), so I thought I'd share the photos I found on google, most of which I think are from their website.

The tour ended slightly late, and we'd planned to spend the rest of the time before closing looking around the rest of the gardens as there was just so much to explore. However our ride arrived quite a bit earlier than my dad had told them to to pick us up, so we didn't get to look around the rest of the gardens in the end. 
When we arrived back at theirs, other family members were cooking tea for everyone. The meal was lovely but the star was dessert, they'd made trifle and taken the time to make me my own little vegan trifle!

The next day was my last in Somerset, though our flight wasn't until the evening. I put together a simple and comfy coord with the cutsew Minty gave me for my birthday, though I'm not sure I like how cap sleeves look on me tbh- they kind of emphasize the worst parts of my arms 😭

Headdress - Handmade gift
Cutsew - Baby the Stars Shine Bright
Hoodie - Baby the Stars Shine Bright
Skirt - Putumayo
Bag - Vivienne Westwood
Socks - Vivienne Westwood
Shoes - UNIF
Jewellery - Offbrand/vintage

We didn't do much interesting after checking out of the airbnb, other than looking around the shops in Glastonbury where I got some things from a vintage shop and got Minty a birthday present. While getting lunch, a man dressed as Jesus, in blankets and with a blanket on his head was wondering around the Wells highstreet barefoot.

Wells had loads of these insane conspiracy theory stickers everywhere

Our flight home ended up being delayed, but two different children gave me compliments. Well, one little girl asked why I was dressed up but I think she liked it since it seemed to expand her outlook when I told her I just like to dress like this, and she said hello again later on. And then later a tween girl came up to be to say she liked my style which was sweet~

Please do comment, I love reading them and it helps remind me that people actually care lol~


  1. so many cute and pretty photos!! its always fun reading your blog posts and getting a glimpse into your escapades~
