This blog will be taking a look back at all my old school coords from 2018, the good and the not so good. Just a warning that this is of course going to be a veeeery image heavy blog post.
Cutsew - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Skirt - Heart E
Bag - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Headdress - Bodyline
Shoes - Bodyline
Socks - Lolitabutiken
Choker - Handmade
My comm had a meet up where we watched Kamikaze Girls, as has almost become tradition, so naturally I decided to make a coord as close to Momoko’s as I could. I even cut my wig’s fringe to closer resemble Momoko’s hair! Although I did have to wear a long sleeved blouse since it’s winter and my short sleeved ones weren’t that similar anyway... but whatever
My coord was based on this one of Momoko's |
We also took some fun photos, and I took some photos on film which you can see in this blog post.
My comm also got a group photo together~ |
JSK - Cornet
Blouse - Angelic Pretty
Socks - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Headdress - Baby, the Stars shine Bright
Bag - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Shoes - Demonia
For this photo, I decided that since my coord photo had been taken inside a mall, which didn't feel very oldschool, so I chose to do something I'd wanted to for ages. I found a fancy background, and photoshopped myself in front of it, inspired by this girl's old photos, which I really love:
The meet up was because Lucy came to visit so a few of us hung out and we made sure to get lots and lots of coord photos.
Why is my face so faaaaat |
I realised I hadn't worn this lovely wine velveteen jumperskirt since 2015, so decided to put together a nice coord with it while it was still cold. I actually think this is my best coord with this dress so far~!
JSK - Innocent World
Blouse - Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Headdress - Baby, the Stars shine Bright
Shoes - Demonia
Bag - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Parasol - Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Coat - MAM Maxicimam
Hair pieces - FancyNancyHairUpdos on Etsy
Suddenly in March it decided to snow, and I had a photo in mind that I really wanted to take. So I put together a coord with that in mind. I do wish I'd done my eyebrows a bit different though. Lucy also lent me her Metamorphose teddy bear bag for me to use at the Love From The North tea party, and I really wanted to use him in a coord before then too.
Cutsew - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Headdress - Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Socks - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Bag - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Shoes - Antaina
Here's the picture I had in my head:
I then attended Love From the North:The Great Northern Tea Party, and this was my coord. I’m not sure why my lips look so bright in the top picture because I was just wearing my usual lip stain and it definitely wasn’t that bright haha. Sure my face looks kinda froggish in my photo, but other than that I really like the coord photo taken by Anh Binh Photography~
OP - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Bags - Metamorphose Temps de Fille (borrowed)
Headdress - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Bloomers - Metamorphose temps de Fille (borrowed)
Shoes - Bodyline
Tights - Offbrand
Wig - Maple
I also got some photos with the other oldschool girls at the tea party, which my friend Gravelvet took for us, and I also got one taken with Jo, one of the organisers of the tea party. There are some ones taken on film as well, which you can see in this blog post.
Kuro and Shiro |
All of the tea party attendees together. Can you spot me? |
This was the coord that I was going to wear to the art gallery meet up on the Sunday following Love From The North: The Great Northern Tea Party. Unfortunately due to all the trains being cancelled and delayed I didn’t end up going to the meet up and had to get changed. So, I basically didn't get to really wear it, which is a shame because I really love it and I feel like it might be one of my strongest coords this year. Maybe one day I'll recycle it.
OP - Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Bags - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Headdress - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Socks - Lolitabutiken
Shoes - Bodyline
Parasol - Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
And here's a really photoshopped selfie~ |
JSK - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Cutsew - Metamorphose temps de Fille
Bag - Vintage
Tights - Offbrand
Shoes - Antaina
Back home it was still snowing and freezing, and my comm had a karaoke meet at a place that had a Hello Kitty room!! We had so much fun, got pretty drunk, and took lots of photos. For this coord I wanted to put together a super oldschool 90s proto-lolita look. I really wanted to have RHS boots but of course, I didn't actually own any so I wore my thicc Antaina shoes. Regardless, it's one of my favourite coords.
We're all fucking weeaboos
I actually posted about this coord on this blog. You can see the entire post and all the photos I took that day right here~
Also in April, I tried a sort of proto-lolita type coord, although this one wasn't quite as good as I wanted it to be as my torso looks too long?? Idk haha
Cutsew - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Skirt - Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Socks - Secret shop
Shoes - Bodyline
Bag - Metamorphose temps de Fille
Parasol - Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Headdress - Bodyline
For my first coord in May I felt like experimenting with a punky coord, especially since the last time I had done a coord with stripes and tarten it didn't look great. I don't love this coord, I'm not sure this style of punk lolita suits me, but I do think it looks a lot better than my first stripes and tartan coord.
JSK - Angelic Pretty
Blouse - Emily Temple cute
Socks - Angelic Pretty
Headdress - Metamorphose temps de Fille
Tie - Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Bag - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Tights - Offbrand
Shoes - Antaina
I also messed about with effects to give this look an especially punk vibe.
For my birthday I put together a very frilly kuro coord, and got inspired to edit one kind of like a GLB or Kera ad.
Blouse - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Skirt - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Apron - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Headdress - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Bag - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Tights - Offbrand
Shoes - Antaina
Necklace - Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Parasol - Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Next I wore this coord for a joint birthday mini-meet with my friend Alice. Although I never posted this particular photo, I did post this coord on this blog; you can see all the photos right here, they're pretty cool as I spent time editing them to look like GLB ads.
Later in May I put together this casual coord using my new cutsew. I wanted to try the mid calf length normie socks you see in some old street snaps and I like it, however I did discover the cutsew maybe doesn't look great tucked into skirts due to it's awkward boxy shape. It's probably one of my less liked coords of this year but I'd like to wear the crew socks again.
Cutsew - Angelic Pretty
Headdress - Bodyline
Socks - Offbrand
Shoes - Demonia
Bag - Vintage
OP - MAM Maxicimam
Bag - Metamorphose Temps de Fille (borrowed)
Headdress - Victorian Maiden
Shoes - Antaina
Wig - Maple
Tights - Offbrand
I also filmed this little video that day:
OP - Angelic Pretty
Headdress - Baby, the Stars shine Bright
Bag - Metmorphose Temps de Fille
Socks - Innocent World
Bag - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Shoes - Demonia
Necklace - Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Hair pieces - FancyNancyHairUpdos on Etsy
This was just a coord to hang out with a friend, I really enjoyed messing about to edit the above photo.
In June we had a lovely little picnic meet, but of course with it being England it was somewhat grey and overcast, and did start raining later on. Nevertheless it was fun! I wanted to go further from my comfort zone and wear something a little different to my usual style. I was inspired by Meta's old Anne Of Green Gables OP, although I didn't own it so I used my bouquet OP and a modern apron with a similar shape. I ended that day headbanging at a random gig with one of the girls from the meet, dressed like a fucking milk maid.
Would be cuter if it wasn't so grey, js |
OP - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Apron - Offbrand
Socks - Ofbrand
Shoes - Vintage
Headdress - Baby, the Stars Shine Bright (with flower clips attached)
Bag - Vintage
For this coord I felt like trying something I'd seen in a few street snaps, pushing down socks to give a coord a fresh look. I really liked how it looked and would love to do it again. I also tried out a new hairstyle, which of course has been used many a time since.
Blouse - Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Tights - Offbrand
Socks - Innpoent World
Shoes - Antaina
Bag - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Headpiece - Bodyline
Finally it started to get pretty hot and sunny which was making me want to wear my 90s Meta strawberry JSK, it's such a cute summery dress. Still on the roll of trying out new hairstyles, I discovered I could do tight 90s style buns with my hair, which I was surprised about considering how frizzy and big my hair is usually.
Although it's already written on the first photo, my coord rundown is:
JSK - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Blouse - MAM Maxicimam
Tights - Offbrand
Socks - Bodyline wristcuffs on offbrand socks
Bag - Vintage
Parasol - Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
old lady hand |
To start off July, I really wanted to try a gothic coord with sweet main pieces, which was inspired by a couple of old photos:
Girl, those dry-ass lips. |
I also filmed this little video:
This day I remember was during a horrible heatwave. Because of that I picked a coord I'd had saved for a hot summers day, but despite that I was still practically dying lol. This was the first time I tried out wearing minimal eyeliner with a coord which is sort of more true to oldschool I think. Although you can't really see, I did have my hair up in buns behind my headdress.
Blouse - Angelic Pretty
Headdress - Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Socks - Bodyline
Shoes - Antaina
Bag - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Parasol - Baby, the Stars shine Bright
Then once it was a more bearable temperature I put together a coord themed more around the later sort of 2004-06 era of oldschool. The beret and hairstyle were a little different to my usual go-to styles, but I feel like they gave my coord a sort of early LJ vibe~
I kicked off August with this EGL coord. I looked haggard as fuck so I ended up having to edit my face to shit. I'd actually planned to wear my Meta crown headdress but then completely forgot and wore this one instead.
Cutsew - Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Skirt - Baby, the Stars shine Bright
Tights - Offbrand
Shoes - Antaina
Bear bag - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Bag - Vintage
Headdress - Bodyline
Choker - Handmade
A few days later my comm had a mini meet, and I wanted to go for a sort of casual-but-not street snap look.
OP - Atelier Boz
Shoes - Antaina
Tights - Offbrand
Bag - Vintage
Necklace - Vintage
We also took a whole bunch of fun photos together and just messed about, it was a really fun and chill meet.
Cutsew - Metamorphise Temps de Fille
Tie - Baby, the Stars shineBright
Socks - Innocent World
Shoes - Antaina
Headdress - Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Bag - Vintage
Lucy came to visit again and so we got to spend the day hanging out, it was so much fun! I went for a punkish but comfy coord. Originally I'd put together this coord to somewhat match Lucy's coord because she wanted to wear my Meta strawberry dress, and I thought it would be cute to have two red 90s-ish coords, but last minute we had to change Lucy's coord and I put her in my Cornet JSK. It came to the end of the day and we hadn't got a group photo so before we had to both leave, we rushed to get a photo, so although it is of course adorable, we do look a little messy haha.
My first coord for September was at Hellocon's Eternal Twilight. These two are photos taken by the photographer Pasi Vähänen that I never posted. You can see my huge post about Eternal Twilight and more coord photos in this blog post right here (it's worth it).
Why do I look like I'm about to finger somebody?? |
JSK - Moi Meme Moitie
Blouse - Baby, the Stars shine Bright
Shoes - Antaina
Bag - Vintage
Everything else - Offbrand
While in Helsinki I also wore both of these coords, which you can see way more photos of, and then some, including a doll museum and photos around Suomenlinna in this blog post here.
For my first coord of October I went for a coord inspired by those modern lolitas may think of as 'unbalanced' with black socks and shoes at the bottom. I took a whole bunch of really cool juxtaposed photos which you can see in this post here it's definitely worth checking out.
Both of these coords are in this blog post here with even more photos.
For my comm's halloween meet, I went a little more oldschool inspired than full authentic oldschool. I went for a guro Victorian nurse theme which was fun. Although I was dumb enough to not realise I was hiding my red cross arm band with my patient Usakumya in every fucking photo except the group picture. I also put a bloody bandage over Usakumya's eye, but again I forgot to photograph it haha.
OP - Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Apron - Fanplusfriend, with blood added by me
Headdress - Bla Bla Hospital
Socks - Angelic Pretty
Shoes - Antaina
Bag - Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
You can see waaaay more photos of both of these coords from November in this post here. It's definitely worth it, I love my gobelin & hoodie coord and there's a bunch of fun photos from that day including candids.
Annnnnd you can see more photos of each of these coords from December in this blog post here
And so concludes my look back at all of my oldschool coords from 2018. I hope you checked out all of the linked ones too, to see the extra photos! Did you have a favourite one? Please do comment and let me know there's people reading lol.
I think that in 2019 I might make throwback posts featuring old oldschool coords of mine from previous years, so that they're eventually all here~
So many eye candy in this post! The first coordinate was a good year starter indeed. I have a thing for these giant collars from yesteryear and I’m glad to see that many in this entry. The Kamikaze meetup part seems fun. That movie is one of the oldest lolita ‘musts’ that I have been saving for later (an habit of mine, hoarding discoveries even from my favourite artists because most of the things I like are from the past so I’d better space them out). Some of my favourite coords include the wine velvet jumper skirt because the title says it all, the white outfit from the missed meet up because I’m totally seeing this in some older Yuki Kaori manga, all gobelin casual maybe because my one gobelin item is a skirt too and I’m used to wearing it casually, the Hellocon first outfit because of Moitiés’ typical JSK cut. I also hope to see more of the Boz dress! A Boz dress was my first ever dream dress many many moons ago.
ReplyDeleteThank you for taking the time to reply! It's so nice to hear which coords you liked, a lot of them are also favourites of mine~